From top right to bottom left: Bob Perciasepe, Deputy Administrator, US EPA; Nancy Grimm, Director, Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Program; Panel with Lisa Garcia, US EPA, Judith Enck, Regional Administrator, US EPA Region 2, Andrew M. Maxwell, Director of Syracuse-Onondaga County Planning Agency, Syracuse, NY; Matthew J. Millea, Deputy County Executive for Physical Services, Onondaga County, NY; and Sherburne Abbott, Vice President for Sustainability Initiatives, Syracuse University
The 13th Annual Syracuse Center of Excellence Symposium took place on October 21-22. There were numerous impressive talks throughout the program, including a keynote talk by Bob Perciasepe and a featured talk by Nancy Grimm. Mallory presented a talk entitled “The Oncenter Green Roof: Water Mass Balance on a Large Extensive Green Roof,” and Carli presented a talk entitled “Green Infrastructure in Onondaga County and the Diffusion of Sustainable Stormwater Management Technologies.” Both were well received and created a lot of discussion afterwards.
The symposium also featured a student poster competition, in which several of our undergraduate researchers entered. JB won 3rd place in the undergraduate division for her poster featuring some of the heat flow monitoring on the OnCenter green roof. Great job, JB
Photo credits: Stephen Sartori, Syracuse University; Caitlin Eger, Syracuse CoE
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