Mastering advanced concepts engineering and applying them to complex contexts requires a strong foundation in fundamental scientific and mathematical principles. in The primary objective of this research is to identify opportunities to improve student learning in introductory engineering courses. Our studies seek to identify misconceptions in student understanding of fundamental principles that impede student learning of advanced engineering concepts, and to equip students to think holistically about the design of sustainable environmental engineering systems.


Project 1 – Engineering Student Misconceptions about Rate and Accumulation Processes

The primary project goal is to identify misconceptions in sophomore engineering students’ understanding of physical and chemical processes that include time-dependent and time-independent variables.


1. Flynn, C. Davidson, C. and Dotger, S. “Engineering Student Misconceptions About Rate and Accumulation Processes,” Proceedings, ASEE 2014 Zone I Conference, Bridgeport, CT, USA, April 3-5, 2014. Nominated for Best Paper Award | Link to paper

2.Flynn, C.D., Davidson, C.I., Dotger, S., and Sullivan, M. 2015. Development and Pilot Test of the Rate and Accumulation Concept Inventory. In 2015 ASEE Annual Conference, June 2015. | Link to paper


Project 2 – Case-Based Teaching to Improve Understanding of Stakeholder Engagement in Designing Engineering Systems

This work was inspired by an in-depth case study on the evolution of Onondaga County’s stormwater management plans. The overall project goal is to develop original case-based teaching modules including simulation activities to improve undergraduate engineering student understanding of interactions with stakeholders during the design of engineering systems.

Stakeholder case study
Students integrate stakeholder considerations into sustainable technology options for stormwater management plans in Onondaga County



Flynn, C.D., Squier, M. and Davidson, C.I. 2015. Development of a Case-based Teaching Module to Improve Student Understanding of Stakeholder Engagement Processes within Engineering Systems Design. In 2015 Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development. | Link to paper

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