ASCE LID 2015 Conference

From January 19-21st, Mallory Squier and Carli Flynn attended the first International Low Impact Development Conference hosted by ASCE. This conference provides an opportunity for leaders in industry, policy and research realms to discuss continuing developments related to LID and green infrastructure.

Trevor Clements of TetraTech delivering his opening plenary talk

Mallory presented recent results on water flows for various storm data collected from the OnCenter green roof. Several other research projects focused on green roof monitoring data, so it was a great opportunity to connect with other research groups in the LID/GI community.

Mallory with pictures of the OnCenter green roof weather station

Carli presented some of the theoretical background on how diffusion theories relate to GI adoption, as well as some recent survey work from the Cleveland GI Summit.

Describing diffusion modeling

This was an excellent conference that we will look forward to attending again in future years!